"What a God we have! He encompasses every role to meet our needs-even those needs we'd rather not admit having.
Isaiah 9:6 describes four specific roles of God, beginning with "Wonderful Councelor." In this role, God, as king, carries out a royal program for the worl. God is in charge of the details of our days, in our homes as well as in our countries and the larger universe.
As "Mighty God," he functions as an omnipotent soldier. God is able to fight and win any battle for his people [even those Mommy battles, you know what they are].
"Everlasting Father" refers to God's role as provider and protector-somone we can lean on and trust.
As Prince of Peace," God is able to bring about the completion of his will for all time: health and restoration for us individually and for our society.
"Wonderful Councelor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." What a God we have!"
I hope this is as refreshing and comforting to you as it was to me today!
In His Grace,