So being the co-coordinator at m2m, I do a lot of what we call floating...I cruise the room and hang out at each table for a few minutes during discussion time. I hear over and over how we struggle with correcting negative behavior. But I do not hear too many people offering up solutions. It could be that we are arfraid our techniques sound crazy, we are not confident in our own methods, or we are plain too tired to offer any sound advice ;) At any rate...It is hard to figure out what works for each kiddo...I know "The Whiney Jar" Which eventually just became the "Ugly Behavior Jar" was a huge success for my son and for a few people that I shared my secret with. It is esentially a visual points and reward system. Well, this is similar, and really cute! Not to mention ya'll know how much I LOVE freebies! Only this time someone else did all the work for me! Helllloooo! Love it! So here it is. Just print it out and laminate it and you have your very own super cute behavior chart!
Here is the link to the print. It is an 8x10!
Happy Correcting! Amber
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