Welcome to mom2mom . . .

We meet every 1st and 3rd Thursday, 9:30am at Cornerstone Community Church in Wildomar.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

When in need!

Well, I finally did it! I finally took myself down to WESTERN EAGLE in Temecula to try out "The Food Box." I have always sent people to get the boxes and even given cash to go in on boxes, but I never went and got one for myself. In part I am sure because of pride and insecurity and the fact that we never really needed any help until recently. And I say that loosely...we are not in dire straights by any means, but times are tough and money is tight. Pinching pennies is scary and it is hard. Everything is so expensive, groceries included! So today was the day...I wanted to find out what was really in those boxes, and if we could benefit from them at all. I was pleasantly surprised by the sweet gal at the counter that was willing to "show me the ropes." In less than 5 minutes they wheeled a big cart out from the back and on it was 2 huge boxes filled with all sorts of food. And then they let you head over to the produce and pick out what you need. You just follow the guidelines on the board. No limits and no questions. Just sign your name and take your groceries for $25!
Here is what I got: Cereal (3 boxes) Soup 3 Spaghetti noodles and sauce Rice Beans Ramen noodles cookies protein bars almond milk soy milk 2 percent milk chocolate milk orange juice fresh mottzarella cheese a flat of 12 greek yogurts over 30 all beef hot dogs and a 12 pack of buns mac n cheese chips fruit juice blend cookies raviolis chili with beans canned green beans canned corn salad dressing more pasta Large box of pancake mix eggs celery tomatoes potatoes bell peppers green and yellow squash turnips onions english cucumbers jalapenos poblanos oranges apples and a bag of limes! Whew! And the items change each week so you never really know what you are going to get...but I know for sure you won't go hungry! So if your pocket book needs a break or you know someone who needs a little help here and there head on down to Western Eagle in Temecula and pick up your box today!


  1. Thanks so much for sharing

  2. Wow! I've never heard of that Amber! That is great! I help a lot of families in need through Revival and that is a great resource. Thank you...

  3. Glad I could point you in a new and useful direction! good to see you on here girlie!
