Welcome to mom2mom . . .

We meet every 1st and 3rd Thursday, 9:30am at Cornerstone Community Church in Wildomar.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

January 2012 Giveaway!

Hello fellow Mommies! Hooray for the New Year! Cornerstone m2m is super excited to dive into the second session of Extreme Home Makeover and we have a lot to offer you. We are going to start out with a bang with The Lovely Susan Peterson. She will be sharing with us "Fun and Educational places to go with kids and adults in Southern California." Her Book is awesome and she has a travel journal with prompts to help you and your family get the best out of your experience! And guess what!? m2m is giving away a set! 1 book with 1 journal! HELLO! That is a $35 value with Priceless memories waiting to be made! Here is the scoop: To be entered to win we want to know what your favorite fun and educational experience has been with your kiddos! Details please, we want to play too! As always just leave a comment below by using the drop box. If you are not registered and the regular button is not working just hit anonymous and be sure to leave your 1st and last name so we can announce our big winner right after Susan speaks! Have a great week! We will see you bright and early on the 19th! Don't forget your pocket book. We have registration due and Susan will have her products available for purchase at the end of the meeting!


  1. The most educational place we have taken sarah who is 9 months was recently the Discovery Museum in Reno, NV. It was a great place where we learned about the state of Nevada its history, economy and resources including crops, gold and silver mines, water systems. They had a river flow replica where the kids could watch their rubber ducks float down the channel through damns and past the electricity center. They had fishing activity, camping activity, under the stars, life like mine to explore. It was neat. When we got home my husband showed me they have one in Anaheim that has a dinosaur exhibit as well as currently a star wars and Dora imagination experience. By Tiffany Flora

  2. I love taking the kids to a walking trail by our house. I show them all the animal tracks and they love to pick up the acorns and seeds they find. We bring home some of the leaves and nuts form our finds and look them up online. It is a fun and free way to entertain my boys.

  3. My absolute favorite place to bring Jerry (almost 2) is the San Diego zoo. His favorite animals are the elephants! When we tell him we are going to the zoo we tell him we are going to go see the elephants and he excitedly repeats "ellie?!" When we are at the zoo we try to teach him the sign for the animals and what color they are. Sometimes we will try to explain to him where they are from or tell him if they eat plants or meat or both. He has a lot of fun looking at all the animals and trying to say their names!

    Jenna Jordan

  4. Our most favorite fun educational experience happened this summer when we went to the Temecula Blueberry fields. We learned about farming, eating healthy & measuring our berries. It was the perfect place to have some family time & take some wonderful photos together. Renee Holden

  5. We LOVE the outdoors. My oldest son Cole... one of his premiere "Smarts" is nature. He is passionate about the outdoors and ADVENTURE and Chase is just a happier baby outside. So every year we take our kids camping and our favorite place is in the Sierras. June Lake and Tahoe to be specific. The boys can take in God's amazing creations with every breath of fresh air. They learn basic skills like organizing all the stuff it takes to go, putting up a tent, cooking outdoors. They love seeking out animals in their natural habitat and they learn about their tracks, their scat (Cuz' what boy doesn't wanna talk about poo), their sounds, what they eat...they learn about life. And because my hubby cannot sit still, they learn about the landscape, direction, survival skills. They have learned to fish, and have earned a number of hiking medallions. We adore our family time and this is a great way to get it in and learn a lot too!
    The Shoe Herd Mamma!
