Welcome to mom2mom . . .

We meet every 1st and 3rd Thursday, 9:30am at Cornerstone Community Church in Wildomar.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Ministry opportunities

Hey hey hey ladies! I am super excited to announce a few positions are still open on the m2m 2012-2013 leadership team! We are looking for 1 or 2 more possible table leaders and 1 Publicity coordinator!
Table leaders host a table for the year and facilitate a small group within our large group. The publicity coordinator designs and publishes any and all public communications other than the blog. She does all of the fliers for m2m, an e newsletter, and she runs the m2m facebook page! This is just a peek into each position.

The opportunity to serve on this team is truly amazing so please pray about it and ask Amber or Marcella for an application if you feel that gentle tug towards joining our wonderful ministry at m2m. If you have any questions about either position you can email us at Ambernschumacher@yahoo.com or thecaldwellbunch@gmail.com.

In His Grace,

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Hippity Hoppity...

Easter is on its way! Let's celebrate with our 2nd Annual Easter Party!