Welcome to mom2mom . . .

We meet every 1st and 3rd Thursday, 9:30am at Cornerstone Community Church in Wildomar.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Welcome December!

Eeeeek! It is December 1st tomorrow! Holy smokes where has the time gone? Well in the spirit of all that is comming here is a little freebie I created for all of you. Just open it up and print it out!

Official Letter to Santa!
Have your kiddos fill it out and mail it to "Santa" and keep them to treasure in the years to come. What a fun way to journal without even knowing it!

Official Letter to Santa

Monday, November 28, 2011

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

One Charming Party....

Thanks to One Charming Party for this Fabulous idea! I am definately setting the kids tables with these fun filled pies!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

There will be lots of children at our Thanksgiving table this year. My parents have 19 grandkids (and another on the way). With so many small kids around, you definitely need something for little ones to do while they’re waiting for last minute food preparations to finish up. You can use this faux pumpkin pie alongside any other Thanksgiving place card ideas you have. When the kids open up their “pie,” a variety of toys and fun activities will be waiting.
Supplies: spray adhesive, the printed faux pumpkin pies, disposable aluminum pans with cardboard/silver lids
Directions: Click on the images below to download the faux pumpkin pie top. To print the pumpkin pie top, email the file to any photo center (such as Costco) that prints in a 12 x 18″ photo size. Get the lustre finish. Cut the pie shape out and glue to the top of the cardboard/silver lid, on the white side, with spray adhesive. Fill your container with toys and prizes for the kiddos. Put the pie lid on top and crimp around the metal edges to keep the lid secure. Disposable aluminum pans can be found at most grocery stores.
*This is a jpg image that you can print at a photo center. Visit the actual blog link below and Click on an image below to pull up the jpg picture, then right click to save the image on your computer. Let me know if that works for you!
thanksgiving place card ideas
thanksgiving place card ideas
Don’t have any small children at your Thanksgiving table? You can also use these as take home containers for your guest to store their Thanksgiving leftovers. And stay tuned for directions on the candlestick centerpieces. Photos by Nicole Hill Gerulat. Pie photo by Sara Westbrook.

Happy Fall Ya'll!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Blessings abound in November!

I am so stinking excited today! I just heard back from button it and they are giving us a pretty fabulous giveaway! This giveaway ends on November 30th so get your entries in ASAP!

You can personalize the main pendant as is shown with the number of children you have, and the accent pendant can hold up to 4 names. It will come as shown, or the other option is for it to just be in black and white.

Please leave us a comment regarding Blessings and Thanksgiving and what/how you will be teaching your children this holiday. You can earn 1 additional entry by bringing signed Christmas Cards from your children for our soldiers and turning them into Michelle Bucholtz. She will make sure they get sent to our troops and your kiddos will surely be a blessing to the recipients!

Here is a little info on the cards and what they are for:

Holiday Mail for Heroes Program

The holiday season is just around the corner and it’s time again to start thinking about being part of the 2011 American Red Cross Holiday Mail for Heroes. For a fifth year, American Red Cross and Pitney Bowes are partnering to ensure all Americans have an opportunity to send a touch of home this holiday season to members of our U.S. military, veterans and their families, many of whom will be far away from home this holiday season.
Starting this fall and throughout the holiday season, the Red Cross is working with Pitney Bowes, a mail stream technology company, to collect and distribute holiday cards to American service members, veterans and their families in the United States and around the world.
The process is very simple and takes no time at all - All you need is a pen and piece of paper to share your appreciation for the sacrifices members of the U.S. Armed Forces make to protect our freedoms The Holiday Mail for Heroes mail box is open and ready to receive for your cards.

Good Luck Ladies and have a wonderful week full of joy!

P.S. If you cannot get the comment box to work, just hit annonymous and be sure to leave your 1st and last name within the comment.

Betty Crocker Wanna Be...

Thanks to Adventures of a Betty Crocker Wanna Be for a super cute fall treat for the kiddos at your Thanksgiving table!

These are super simple to make, and always a huge hit.

What You Need
Large marshmallows (I usually buy the Jet Puffed brand - the store brand ones seem to stick together more)
Melting Chocolate in your desired color (chocolate chips work well too)
Lollipop sticks
Your decorations of choice (ie. sprinkles, ribbon, etc.)

1. Stick the lollipop sticks into as many of the marshmallows as you are using, and set out on wax paper.

2. Melt your chocolate. You can use a double boiler on the stove, stirring constantly, or do it the easy way and use the microwave. Either way, the key is to stir, and not let it get too hot, as it will get thick and unmanagable. If microwaving, do so in 30 second intervals, sitrring every 30 seconds.

3. Dip your marshmallows in the chocolate, coating the marshmallow. Use a spoon to smooth, or run the sides along the side of your bowl to remove any excess.

4. If desired add sprinkes after each dip, because the chocolate hardens fairly quickly (if using chocolate chips, it takes a little longer).

That's it!

She added a green ribbon for the stem.

Have a Blessed Week!

m2m this week!

m2m this week! Are you ready for it! Just a heads up for you fab ladies...we are implementing a "Take it Table" for December and possibly January. This table is a place to leave, new or gently used items for others to take! You can drop off toys, books, shoes, crafting supplies, purses, Home decor....as long as it still looks great, feel free to share the love. The table will actually be there this week for you over achievers in the group ;) Crystal Joyce has offered to be in charge of this table, but could use a few hands to keep it clean, and organized and to possibly take a bin home, and bring it back to the next meeting. Let me know if you are up to help.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

A Duteronomy 6 House

Deuteronomy 6:4-9 says this:

 4 “Hear, O Israel! The LORD is our God, the LORD is one! 5 You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. 6 These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart. 7 You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up. 8 You shall bind them as a sign on your hand and they shall be as frontals on your forehead. 9 You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.

This month our family is sitting down and talking about scripture, yes we talk about the Bible regularly, but we are picking out scriptures and making a list of our favorites. This list will be broken down to a select few that represent our family the best right now. It may be something we want to aspire to, something that we feel makes us happy, words of encouragement, words of wisdom. We have not yet chosen our "family verse," that is what will become our family creed so to speak. But our deadline is November 30th!

We will then take that verse and we will be creating a piece of artwork that we can hang in our home. This artwork will become a part of what our family wants to represent. It will be something to remind us of Deuteronomy 6 and how we should eat, live breathe, walk, talk, even dream the Lords word. This is especially important for our kids to experience. Right now those little bugs are craving knowledge and what better way to give it to them than by leading by example. You are their current #1 Hero, their eyes and ears are open to you more now than they ever will be. This will be a creative way to work with the kids and let them play a role in learning the word and applying it to their space and then seeing it daily.

I hope fall brings you and your family close together and that you stop and take the time to enjoy it and to have a few lessons each day using God's word to guide you.

Happy Fall & Many Blessings,