Welcome to mom2mom . . .

We meet every 1st and 3rd Thursday, 9:30am at Cornerstone Community Church in Wildomar.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Nickel Auction Fun!

"She opens her arms to the poor
and extends her hands to the needy.
When it snows, she has no fear for her household;
for all of them are clothed in scarlet."
Proverbs 31:20-21

So far in mom2mom we've learned the Proverbs 31 woman is a blessing to her husband and children. Now, we see she's also kind to those in need. Our January 20 meeting will combine the thriftiness and generosity of this remarkable role model. Get ready, ladies, because we're going to have a loud, fun time while raising money for charity. We're going to have a Fun Filled Nickel Auction. Just bring in your roll of nickels and your gently used items and be prepared to have a good time.

Possible Items:
New or gently used please!
Children's Toys
Children's Books
Children's Clothes
Picture frames
Diaper Bags

We will be dontaing any money made from our auction to bead 4 life. Check out the website to learn more: beadforlife.org
In His Grace,
Your m2m Team!

Some Christmas Time fun!

Thanks for making our very 1st m2m Christmas brunch such an amazing success! Stacey and her hubby Jonathan were a stupendous duo opening for the acclaimed Cora Alley! Thanks to both of you for sharing your talent, love, support, and energy with m2m. Cora Alley was amazing to hear. She taught us how to manage the Labor Pains and Birth of the "Good News" in such an inspiring way. I know we all took home something fabulous...here are a few highlights of our 1st annual Christmas brunch...